Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”
A sleeper factory of CREC’S Padma Bridge Rail Link Project in Bangladesh began mass production on December 2, local time, marking the start of construction of the Padma Bridge Rail Link Project.
Employees are working at the sleeper factory.
The sleeper factory was tailor made by CREC for the project. It is the largest sleeper factory with the most sophisticated, standardized and intelligent equipment in Bangladesh. Covering an area of 11 mu, the factory is capable of producing 500 sleepers daily on average. It can independently make more than a dozen types of sleepers including the 1,676-mm-gauge sleepers for ballast tracks, sleeper sets, and sleepers for non-ballast track. The factory is commissioned to produce 370,000 sleepers for the Padma Bridge Rail Link Project.
The Padma Bridge Rail Link Project is constructed under a major governmental partnership between China and Bangladesh. With a total length of some 170 kilometers, the railway runs across Bangladesh from east to west. When completed, it will connect 21 regions in southern Bangladesh with Dhaka, the country’s capital. (Source: CREC Padma Bridge Rail Link Project Team)
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