Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”
From November 10 to 13, Wang Shiqi, deputy Party chief, trade union chairman and executive director of CREC, made an inspection tour in Rucheng County and Guidong County of Binzhou City, Hunan Province. In the two counties, Wang inspected CREC’s work on paired-up assistance and encouraged staff to promote rural revitalization while consolidating achievements in poverty eradication.
During the trip, Wang was briefed on the work of CREC employees stationed in rural areas for the poverty fight and visited demonstration centers for rural revitalization and registered impoverished households. He also made a trip to a primary school funded by CREC in Guidong County and attended the ground breaking ceremony for a CREC-funded sports and art center in Rucheng County and the inaugural ceremony for a CREC-funded avenue in Guidong County.
Since CREC was paired up with the two counties in the national poverty reduction fight, CREC has sent 20 outstanding employees to Rucheng County, who helped local residents fight poverty through education, sales of agricultural products and industrial development. CREC has invested close to 100 million yuan in poverty reduction. It funded 110 construction projects and helped more than 2,400 students from poor families. More than 60,000 impoverished people benefited from CREC’s contribution to poverty fight. While helping Rucheng County escape poverty, CREC led the county in developing industries and getting on a path to high-quality development.
Guidong County was paired up with CREC in the national poverty fight in April 2002. In light of local conditions, CREC has been making all-out efforts to help the county. The focus has been set on sending outstanding employees to the county, supporting local education, developing industries, providing training sessions and funding infrastructure construction. The funding to Guidong County by CREC totaled 100 million yuan and went to more than 50 projects including schools, standard workshops and solar-powered street lamps. CREC provided training sessions to 2,064 people and financial support to 3,617 students. With its help, 6.58 million yuan of local agricultural products were sold to help increase incomes for farmers. CREC also found jobs for 349 impoverished residents. Its work on paired-up assistance was fruitful.
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